Making Carbonara in Canada; what kind of cream should I use


I was making Carbonara today: bacon was getting crisp, tossed a bit of chopped shallot, some butter, till it was time to add the cream.
The closest I found at the store was half-and-half.
In front of my eyes, the cream broke – I'm still grieving for that bacon.

What went wrong? Is that the wrong kind of cream? was my temperature too high? how is the cream I should use called in Canada ?


Best Answer

"Authentic" carbonara does not have cream. It's made with just guanciale, egg (yolks and whites), pecorino romano, and black pepper. Thanks to @GiuppeP for the clarification.

However, at least in the US (and, it appears, Canada) there is tremendous variation to what folks call "carbonara". What is more relevant to the question is technique. Whether you choose to use cream or not, in either case, add egg white and cheese (or cream, or half and half...) gradually, and more importantly, off the heat and with some added pasta cooking water. There is a bit of a knack to achieving the proper consistency. If it breaks, no sweat. It might not look pretty, but it is still fine to eat.