Jam – How to Make Pumpkin Preserve: Step-by-Step Guide


I have ate the most wonderful pumpkin preserves (in chunks about 1-2 inches). I have bought very small jars from Armenia and Russian stores in the US and the preserves were very expensive, but delicious. Here is my problem. I do not need a recipe as I have made good preserves of many fruits, whole and chunks, for over 35 years. My problem with the pumpkin is should I take off the skin by peeling it and then cutting it, or, should I first cut it, clean the insides, quick boil it for a few minutes, then peel it and then continue on to preserve it? It's a long process either way, but our hearts want it, so Mama gonna make it. HELP

Best Answer

This site recommends washing, slicing in half, removing seeds, slicing into 1 inch slices, peeling the skin, then chunking, and giving each chunk a brief boil for 2 minutes. Then going on to pressure can the product. It cannot be safely preserved with out pressure.


And I hope you save the seeds and roast them! One of my favorite fall treats.