Low Temperature Cooking – Advice for Slow Cooking and Sous Vide


I want to try out low temperature cooking of some meat, e.g. beef

I don't have a reliable oven and am looking for advice before starting. Or alternatives to ovens.

I heard some people use meat in vacuum sealed plastic bags that they cook in a pot of water, (easier to measure temperature?)

What are the timings for weight/temperature combinations?

What dis/advantages does low temperature cooking have compared to grilled?

Anything else I should now before trying out?

Best Answer

Cooking in a water bath in vacuum sealed bags is called sous vide.

The advantages include:

  • all of the meat is cooked to the desired temperature, and no higher, so you get 'perfect' doneness.
  • The fibres of he meat don't contract due to the high temperatures and squeeze out the moisture, so the meat stays very tender
  • if you have the right setup, you can put it on an leave it
  • you can include flavourings in the vacuum bag so your meat steeps in the flavouring whilst it cooks.

Disadvantages include:

  • it can be expensive to set up (though not always, as work arounds exist)
  • it can be difficult to keep at a constant temperature if you don't have an expensive set up
  • the meat does not have any outer crust (although this is easily remedied after the cooking)
  • takes a lot longer to cook.

I think it will be difficult to do in an oven as it is not often that ovens go as low as this type of cooking requires.