Meat – How to chop/mince meat


How can I chop or mince meat more easily?

Currently I just use a knife and chop it up.

Meat grinders are no good. I am not trying to make sausage. I want to chop the meat up, not turn it into goo. Most meat grinders don't even have a hole big enough for a chicken breast or steak.

Is there any kind of device that you can just put a cooked chicken breast in it and it chops it up into small pieces? Just to make it clear what I am trying to do:


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Best Answer

You could try using a vegetable dicer. This professional one specifically says it works for chicken breast. If you have a lot of chicken to dice it maybe worth it, but it won't be real quick to clean.

Professional Vegetable Dicer

If this is too much machine for what you want to accomplish, smaller home versions are made, something like this home vegetable dicer might work for you.

Home Vegetable Dicer