Meat – Is it safe to wash meat packaging before throwing it away


Is it recommended to wash plastic packaging for raw meat before disposing of it? I see advice to just rinse it with soap in the sink to prevent the bin from smelling.

However, I also see it is usually not recommended to wash raw meat as there is a risk of cross contamination – wouldn't the same risk be here as well?

Clarification: I mean before throwing it into bin for landfill

Best Answer

Rinsing or washing the container is no worse than rinsing or washing a plate on which you have let your meat rest. But do it when you take your meat out, not a couple of hours later, to avoid spoilage starting.
If you send yours to landfill, cleaning it is for your comfort.

Where and when I grew up we would never bother, but we did accept that bins smell of spoiled food. If you want to keep your bin from smelling you may want to clean it.