Newly seasoned carbon steel pan sticks when cooking


After doing reasearch I decided to try a less expensive pan when buying a 12". Bought a Paderno and did a mix of seasoning with organic flax seed oil. I did about 5 coats on the stove top per instructions (heating, adding small amount of oil and rubbing it down with paper towel, heat/ cool / repeat. For good measure I also tried rubbing the entire pan with oil and cooked in 400 degree oven for 2 hours and let it cool in oven for 2 hours. The 2 times I've cooked anything in it (eggs with onions) everything sticks. Never had this problem with my small de Buyer crepe pan. One chef recommended 11 coats, I think I've got 7. Wondering now if I put on too many coats of oil or if this made in China pan is just an inferior metal.

Best Answer

High temps and flaxseed oil (essentially linseed oil) don't mix so I'd be suspicious of using flaxseed oil for seasoning. Try using a different oil and see what happens. The baked coating may then be less sticky/grabby.