Non stick presto electric skillet


My skillet is dishwasher safe but it comes out with rust colored spots on the bottom. The non-stick surface is rough and if I use a paper towel to wipe it down it leaves little pieces of paper behind.

Instructions say not to soak it. It has a sticky feel to it and patches that look and feel like burned on grease.

I feel like I have tried everything. Anyone have any suggestions for me?

Best Answer

A rough surface on a non-stick pan sounds like you have used oil or fat in it at a high heat

You do not need to use oil or fat in a non-stick pan, and doing so may result in the polymerisation of the oil or fat into a rough and tough surface

You can remove this by the normal use of a polyester scrubbing bad (green 3M pads) and dish soap. Normal non-stick surfaces are strong enough to resist polyester scrubbers, but polymerised oil is not. I use broad circular scrubbing patterns to avoid wearing out one spot when "fixing" a non-stick pan