Oven – How to simulate an oven when what you actually have is a gas stove


Well, I currently don't have an oven. And also, I don't expect to prepare cakes on gas. :rolleyes:

But, is it possible to bake things like garlic bread (at least) on gas stove somehow? If yes, then how?


I should have clarified, that I also want to bake biscuits (from scratch).

Best Answer

Dutch oven

(a proper cast iron one, mind you)

  • Put your dutch oven on the stove top with the lid on, and turn on the heat until it gets hot
  • Place the thing(s) to be baked inside (but not directly touching the sides or bottom; a little rack or other standoff will be helpful)
  • Put the lid back on and turn the heat way down
  • Wait. And this is a bit of a problem because it is hard to know the exact temperature, so baking is tricky.

This is also how one bakes over a campfire, though there you use coals and can get a reasonably repeatable temperature. Works better with cobbler than cake (I have seen cakes done this way, but more often I've seen them messed up), but it should do garlic bread just fine.

The pure mass of the iron serves to smooth out the uneven heating from the stove. This is also the reason a proper dutch oven has a lip on the lid: so you can put some coals on there to insure the lid stays properly hot too.