Oven – I baked custard at too much heat, is there a name for what I created


Recently a friend from the Americas gave me a simple recipe for custard, I never had custard (or at least not knowingly) and thus wanted to try it out. The recipe in it's original form would be:

3-4 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
some nutmeg

Blend & put into bowls, put bowls into larger dish filled with water.
Put into the oven at 176F & cook for around 45min.

Knowing that I am from Switzerland he tried to translate it to metric (this is the recipe that I got from him):

3-4 eggs
118ml sugar
1.2ml salt
709ml milk
4.8ml vanilla
some nutmeg

Blend & put into bowls, put bowls into larger dish filed with water.
Put into the oven at 176C & cook for around 45min.

As my oven only does 5C increases I put it in at 180C and didn't spend much time thinking about it. The result does not taste bad at all, but the consistency is less that of a cream (looked up custard on Wikipedia in the end) and more that of supermarket flan.

Q: Is there a name for the monstrosity I created or is it still custard?

Best Answer

What you made is a baked custard, and it sounds like it came out rather well.

A runny/pouring custard is made in a pan on the stove top, rather than baked, but has a similar ratio of ingredients, sometimes with added flour or cornflour to thicken it.

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