Oven – What cheese to use for homemade Sicilian pizza so it does not dry in the oven


I followed the recipe from Serious Eats to make Sicialian Pizza at home.


Everything was good except for the cheese.

I baked the dough with most of of the tomato sauce at 525F at the beginning for 5 minutes, to then add some more sauce and the shredded cheese (typical shredded mozzarella cheese in bags). It was supposed to bake for another 10 minutes, but the cheese got very dry and with that brownish color of dried cheese. It was not pulling as it usually pizza cheese does.

Should I be using a different cheese for pizza at home? Maybe fresh mozzarella instead of shredded?

Best Answer

When your pizza is ready take it out of the oven, add the cheese. Put the pizza back in the oven, turn the heat off. Don't go anywhere, just keep an eye on the cheese unlit it melts, take it out and whala.. That way cheese is melted and not dry and you can basically use any taste of cheese you prefer . Its probably because your not using a pizza oven, and its getting to much heat from top. Best cheese for pizza in my opinion is mozzarella. :) Enjoy.