Pasta – Cooking pasta in a water boiler


A friend of mine cooks pasta in a modified electric water boiler which has been modified to keep going even after the water placed in it boils.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of this method over placing the boiled water in a pot and cooking it there over a gas stove?


Best Answer


  • You can make pasta in your water boiler.


  • Hard to clean.

  • Waste of energy, a water boiler is on or off, it will expend full energy keeping the water boiling.

  • Incredibly dangerous, a big fire hazard. Because it's modified to ignore the internal temperature sensor it will keep heating and heating even if all the water is vaporized. Once this is the case, it will start getting so hot it will melt the boiler and the metal of the heating element at which point your stovetop may catch fire.

Story about faulty kettle. water boiler that caught fire