Pasta – My pasta keeps sticking together


I make my own pasta and love the recipe I use, it tastes delicious and is very versatile. It makes awesome ravioli but whenever I do just plain noodles they all clump together when cooked. I had this issue when just using a large pot of boiling salted water so I bought some pasta baskets hoping that would help and it doesn't. My pasta usually rests anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes after cutting it before cooking. I keep the noodles dusted with flour and tap the excess flour off before cooking, I've even tried not knocking the flour off or not dusting with as much flour. I've even tried different amounts in the baskets and it still sticks. Am I missing a step?

Best Answer

If it is keeps sticking together that probably means you are over cooking it. Might mean for your pasta recipe you need to use a lower cooking temperature. Go back to the original recipe and then start messing with the cooking temperature. Here are some helpful tips as well: