Pasta Salad+Chicken freezer storage for a week


Maybe this is silly, but im a bit paranoid when it comes to spoilage and me and my wife are doing this new "make lunch for a week" thing to save money and stop us from eating out.

Anyways this week is home-made pasta salad with home-made italian dressing + Baked Chicken (Had a very easy marinade for a couple of hours as well)

Anyways, since Pasta Salad/Cooked Chicken typically lasts 3-5 days in the fridge apparently (and i'd rather err on the side of caution) I said we should just stick it in the freezer and then take out our little Tupperware (we just made individual portions for the week)

Anyways my wife thinks this won't work or will make it taste terrible, I figure a week shouldn't affect anything? Plus we get the added benefit of it not going bad?

Does this seem like a good plan? or just dumb?

Best Answer

I'd seriously doubt it going bad in 5 days if your fridge is set to a proper temperature and it was prepared with some semblance of proper sanitation. A vat of the stuff taken out of the fridge for serving 4 times, yes. An individual serving stored in the fridge the whole time, I doubt.

The pasta texture will get weird from freezing/thawing. Should not actually affect the flavor if it's properly sealed. You may or may not find the texture change acceptable. Your wife may or may not agree with you.

As usual, experimentation will be your best guide as to whether you find it acceptable or not, so freeze one and don't freeze one and compare the two when you eat them.