Pasta – Should pasta be started in cold or boiling water


There are two main methods, either putting the strands into water already at boiling point, or putting them in cold water and then putting on the heat.

Which method is the best to cook pasta?

Does it make a difference if you add pasta to cold or boiling water?

Best Answer

For dried pasta it doesn’t really matter if you start with cold or hot water, as most of the time pasta spends in water is for hydration. And once the hydrated starches reach a certain temperature they gelatinize, thus cooking the pasta. When you start with cold water, you should use less water, which is actually a plus...

Note: I forgot to mention, you should swirl the pot every couple of minutes to prevent sticking.

However, when you’re cooking fresh pasta, you should directly start with boiling water. As it’s already hydrated, you just need gelatinization.

As for which you should do for dry pasta, there are benefits to both:

  • starting from boiling
    • more consistent timing (and less attention), since you can time from when you add the pasta
    • works with long shapes like spaghetti and fettuccine, since they'll soften quickly to bend submerge
  • starting from cold
    • faster overall - less water to boil, and pasta is already starting to cook by the time it hits a full boil
    • easier to avoid initial sticking
    • starchier pasta water, useful for sauces