Whole Wheat Pasta – Process from Milling to Cooking Whole Wheat Pasta


Can it work to make pasta from freshly home-milled flour?

Best Answer

Yes. I will show you. Here are my experiment results.

Milling Bicycle

I have this as my mill. It takes a long time to go from wheat to flour and I mean like hours maybe even days.

Pasta dough with resting times and ratio

I tried a 2 3/4 cup flour: 6 eggs: 5 tsp oil ratio and kneaded both batches for a good 10 minutes and rested 1 overnight and 1 for 30 minutes.

before and after with the pasta roller

I obviously got more than what is shown but I can't show a full 20 ounces with each strand separate.

Pappardelle after cooking

those black lines are supposed to be the pasta, the dark orange representing that it is whole wheat pasta. The brighter orange is the cheddar cheese sauce. I made this by taking some sharp and some mild cheddar that I have made myself and melting it on low bit by bit so that instead of a crust I would get a smooth sauce. It turned out good and after about 5-6 minutes, maybe less, maybe more, it was al dente and it didn't turn out to eggy or flourly or oily. I think I have found the right ratio for my whole wheat pasta.