Pickle and brine without salt


I have to reduce my sodium intake. I love kosher dill pickles. I'd like to make my own with less or no sodium.
So in researching, I see references to using saltpeter in place of salt sometimes. It is described as a preservative. But it doesn't look like it can completely replace salt.
Is there a way I can pickle and brine without using sodium? Will the taste be close to kosher dill pickles?
It would be fine if I have to eat it within a few weeks.

Best Answer

Thanks for your reply. I think I may have found the answer here. Apparently you can sous vide pickles to pasteurize them, and then leave them packed in vinegar so no bacteria can grow. As I read this, salt is just a flavoring agent here. https://www.chefsteps.com/activities/make-crisp-flavor-packed-pickles-on-the-quick

Now, is there a way to make corned beef or pastrami without salt?