Pine seeds/nuts be pan-toasted without oil


Most recipes with pan-toasted pine seeds say they need to toasted DRY, WITHOUT oil.


It does not make sense to me. Toasting them DRY gives them a spotty appearance. Dark toasted spots where the seed touches the pan and pale where the seed did not. Not the maximum of flavor with the added danger of burning.

However frying them WITH plenty of oil leaves them a uniform golden color with the maximum of flavor and they are less likely to burn.

Best Answer

When coated in oil you don't toast them. You fry them.

And toasting pine nuts usually means in oven, often tossing (also apply to doing it on stovetop but then tossing should be constant).

Adding oil is pointless for few reasons: Pine nuts (or nuts in general) are already fatty on their own. Adding different oil don't make the taste better. It's just a safety net for a cost of changing the taste.

If you want just use oil from roasted nuts in your dish.