Popping corn on an electric stove


I have twice popped corn on an electric stove and both times resulted in near disasters with nearly burned popcorn and what did pop was minimal and flat. I was used to a gas stove and always had beautiful popcorn. The pot used has been used before with no problems. I also normally use coconut oil for the kernels. Help me make the transition, please. Thank you

Best Answer

I've always popped my popcorn on an electric stove, and the kernels turn out fully-popped and delicious. Here is my technique:

  • I heat a deep pot on high heat and melt coconut oil inside.
  • I throw one kernel in, cover the pot, and wait for the kernel to pop. This indicates the oil is hot enough so that when the remaining kernels are poured in, they will pop in a relatively short time.
  • I then pour in all the kernels at once and cover the pot, while keeping it on high heat.
  • I wait for the rapid popping to slow down and take the pot off the heat and set it on a cool eye, where the remaining popping will come to a stop.