Potatoes – Selecting the Best Potatoes for Different Recipes


I noticed that my super market sells packaged potatoes for different purposes, for example they sell:

  • potatoes for a salad
  • potatoes for baking
  • potatoes for frying etc..

They all look pretty similar to me. Are these labels just for marketing, or is there an actual difference?

I usually just go for whatever is cheapest at the time. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong if, for example, I buy potatoes for a salad and use them to make fries.

Best Answer

If the potatoes are the same in different packages, it's just marketing.

Some potatoes are better for baking, some for frying, some for mashing...

It mostly depends on the starch content.




"Potatoes fall into two important categories that impact the outcome of your dish: starchy and waxy (plus a category that lies somewhere in between those two)."
