What is the best way to preserve potatoes for a long time with minimal loss of nutritional values?
I tried freezing, but the potatoes lost their taste and were unsuitable for cooking.
I tried cutting and drying, but the result was again tasteless.
When I just put the potatoes on the shelf, sometimes they remain good for a long time, but sometimes they rot. How can I lengthen their shelf time, and what is the maximum shelf lifetime I can hope for?
Best Answer
You could try cooking the potatoes before freezing them. In particular twice-baked potatoes and mashed potatoes take well to freezing.
How to Preserve Potatoes Without a Root Cellar on the Westphoria blog that discusses how to build a container so emulate a root cellar.
You could also experiment with lacto-fermentation, using either raw or cooked potatoes. Fermenting foods not only preserves them, but also generally improves their nutrition by making micronutrients more bioavailable.