Muffins – How to Fix Wet Raspberries in Muffins


I made white chocolate raspberry muffins the other day after being inspired by these muffins at a cafe near work. They were absolutely delicious (warmed up in a microwave for 5 seconds), however, the only problem was that the raspberries were a little bit too wet inside of the muffins that I made. I used fresh raspberries for it. Should I be using frozen raspberries or what other things can I try?

Best Answer

I’ve made muffins with fresh raspberries.

Increase the amount of flour you’re using, to help absorb the extra moisture. (I add somewhere in the range of 20-30g for 12 normal-size muffins.)

Cut the berries up into smaller pieces, put the pieces on paper towels, and cover with more paper towels. This soaks up some of the juice, and distributes it better throughout the batter.

Be as gentle as possible when mxing them in.

Frozen berries are going to be leakier than fresh.