References on food safety


I'm looking for good, authoritative references on food safety topics. In particular I'd like to learn more about the different parts of various meats and fish, which parts are safe to eat, and what preparation steps are necessary for each to guarantee safety.

What would be a good place to look for this information?

Best Answer

This is a very broad question. My recommendation is to look up your specific product at the US FDA Food Safety page.

Some of the topics treated are:

Product-Specific Information

Acidified and Low-Acid Canned Foods

Bottled Water & Carbonated Soft Drinks

Cheese Safety

Egg Safety

Fruits, Vegetables & Juices

Infant Formula

Medical Foods

Milk Safety


Food Allergens

Consumer Information

Food Allergens Labeling

Foodborne Illness

Consumer Information

Foodborne Illness, Foodborne Pathogens & Natural Toxins

Interagency Coordination

Food Contaminants & Adulteration

Chemical Contaminants


Natural Toxins
