Replace a food processor in this brownie recipe


I'd like to make a "healthy" brownie recipe, but the instructions ask for a food processor, which I don't have. I thought about using a blender, but I've read it won't come out right using a blender.

Here's what the instructions say:

Combine the black beans, dates, jam, and vanilla in a food processor and process until smooth. Add the flour, cocoa powder, and salt and process again.

What can I use instead of a food processor?

Best Answer

Food processors are wonderful kitchen tools, but they have only existed for a relatively short while. The techniques used prior to their invention still work, but are much more labor intensive.

The results can then be forced through a sieve of chinoise if desired to get a smoother result.

You have not mentioned in your recipe whether the beans are cooked. I am guessing that they are from the other ingredients they were to be processed with. If so, the food mill should work very well.

If they are not, and you are essentially making a bean flour, the mortar and pestle would be more appropriate, although a lot of work.