Rice – How to make the risotto less firm


I've prepared risotto from scratch a handful of times in the last few months. While I've been happy with the flavor, the texture left a little something to be desired.

In specific, it tasted like it was undercooked even though I ended up cooking the rice well past the time called for in the recipe. Any thoughts on what could be causing this?

Best Answer

Time has nothing to do with cooking risotto -- you cook it 'til it stops absorbing liquid. I don't even cook by amount of liquid added, as it's more a cook-it-until-it's-done type recipe. When the rice stops aborbing liquid well, it's generally done, but an occassional check for texture never hurts.

Type of rice will affect things, as will elevation from sea level, temperature of the cooking vessel, and surface area of the cooking vessel.

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