Equipment – What Machine is Needed for Preparing Brown Rice from Paddy?


The brown rice is extremely expensive here so I was wondering if it is possible to get some machine for converting Paddy into Brown rice at home?

What prerequisites need to be fulfilled for the achieving the same? Is it practical even?

Best Answer

There are 3 main types of rice huller in use:

The oldest, Mortar and pestle, takes strength, time and patience.

Centrifugal hullers have been around since the late 1800's, but high speed (5Krpm+) centrifuges are not consumer devices. They can be quite dangerous if not used correctly.

Rubber roller based hullers are probably the most common type today. You don't see many consumer friendly units around, but rubber based attachments for Corona mills are sometimes available.

Once you get your rice dehulled, you'll need to separate the chaff. There are lots of ways to do that, starting at a low tech level.