Rice – Which kinds of rice can replace Uzbek devsira


I found a recipe for a Fergana-style plov, one of the main versions of Uzbek plov: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/savedaru/uzbekskii-plov-poferganski-vkus-i-aromat-bespodobn-5f93ccc1a81c50318e584c8c . The description asks for devsira, a type of Uzbek rice. Not having that I wonder which other types of rice I can use instead. Any hints?

Best Answer

Surely this will make your Plov unauthentic, but in practice any medium-grained rice will be an acceptable substitute. If you find the correct spices (or close enough; cumin gives most of the flavour anyway), and some nice fat lamb, you should be able to make a delicious dish.

Even if the article on TripAdvisor mentions fermented and aged rice, this is a rarity; in most cases ordinary non-aged rice is used.