Sauce – Are recipes for Antonin Carême’s original mother sauces available


Did Carême publish actual recipes for his mother sauces?

I'm not looking for recipe suggestions, or Escoffier's revisions, or anyone else's revisions. There are numerous recipe suggestions available from many reputable sources, many with impactful variations. (Plenty of them are effective in dishes and meet current textbook and conventional wisdom definitions.)

The intent here is to find the originals, if those originals exist.

Best Answer

Yes, Carême published cookbooks, which were the most popular cookbooks in print in France in their day. They're still available in various editions and historical book collections. The primary ones would be the two-volume set Le Pâtissier Royal, republished in French a few years ago by Hachette, and translated into English by Andesite. These have recipes for the Mother Sauces, for 18th century values of "recipe".

It's well out of copyright, so you should also be able to find a free PDF of the book somewhere, although Project Gutenberg doesn't have one.

Let me also recommend the book Cooking for Kings, Carême's biography, which is an excellent read.