Sauce – Looking for peach preserves substitute


I'm making a dish that that has a "sweet and sour" sauce to it. The recipe calls for apricot and peach preserves. Unfortunately I am highly allergic to peaches. Does any one know what a good substitute would be? Could I just use Apricot alone and double the amount needed? It is being served with an Asian style chicken and vegetables over rice if that helps. As I can't eat the peaches I don't know what would be best to match the flavor profile.

Best Answer

Apricots (Prunus armeniaca and peaches (Prunus persica) are botanically speaking “close cousins” and have a quite similar flavor profile. Fresh apricot tends to be both sweeter and tarter, peach is a bit milder overall. The difference is less pronounced with preserves.

For your sauce, apricot alone (i.e. using more apricot to get the same amount as the original apricot + peach) should be perfectly fine, assuming that you will adjust the sweet and sour other ingredients and seasonings to your liking anyway.

If you find that apricot alone is too intense (unlikely, but of course there is no accounting for taste), I suggest some very mild fruit, e.g. pear or a sweet apple.