Sauce – purchase Banquete Chilero Sauce from Costa Rica in the US


I have been to Costa Rica twice and I fell in love with Banquete brand Chilero Sauce.

It is a hot sauce with a wonderful flavor but it has some fairly unique properties — specifically that it is very similar in color and consistency / viscosity to asian sweet and sour sauces. This lets the sauce cling in a thick layer on the food to which it is applied.

I have tried looking for this sauce but it is hard to find even by mail order in the US and the price for shipping from Costa Rica costs many times more than the sauce itself. Apparently a lot of places carry Lizano sauce but this brand of Chilero seems to be left out.

Best Answer

I enjoyed this sauce from Costa Rica as well, and ordered it from However 2 of the bottle arrived broken and the contents spilled all over the place. It would help if someone showed them how to pack items for international shipment. 12 bottles loose in a cardboard box with packing peanuts doesn't cut it.


Well, I just heard back from them and they are reshipping some bottles to replace the broken bottles. So they do have GREAT customer service.