Sauce – Spaghetti sauce consistency / coating noodles


I made my home made spaghetti sauce this weekend, which I've been making for several years. As always, the flavor turned out great, so I don't want to change my recipe too much. However, I do have one concern.

Whenever I use store bought sauce, it always coast the noodles completely, or near completely, as well as anything I may add to the dish, meatballs in this case. The noodles end up with a thick red coating of sauce on them.

When I use my own sauce, it just runs off the noodles. It leaves enough on them to have a good flavor, but does not have the same visual appeal to me that I get with store bought sauce.

I used to use cans of whole tomatoes, but lately, I've been starting with fresh tomatoes.

Is the quality of sticking to the noodles something artificial and a result of the mass production / preservatives? Or is it something to be desired in a sauce?

Should I be doing something different? Would more tomato paste or less water help? Or is there something else I should be adding?

Best Answer

Adding a bit of the pasta water that you cooked it in helps sauce stick to your noodles. Have you tried that?