Sauce – When do I add the chicken stock in this recipe? The author doesn’t specify


I've found a bunch of morels this weekend and wanted to make a simple sauce with them. The simplest one I want to try directs me to cook a medium shallot in butter until translucent, then add morels and a pinch of salt stirring occasionally for 3 minutes. Follow this with 1/2 cup of white wine and reduce by two thirds. Finally add heavy cream and simmer for 20 minutes until the sauce coats a spoon.

However the ingredients list also includes chicken stock, but there is no mention of it in the directions. When would be the right time to add the stock?

Best Answer

After the wine.

Let the wine almost reduce, then add the stock. Follow the recipe then from "reduce by two thirds", reducing the now wine-flavored stock.

You might as well be quoting any of 1000 recipes for mushroom risotto. It's basically a typo, the author has seen it so many times before that he doesn't see it.

I can't know exactly the author's intentions, but I'd bet my bottom dollar that those are pretty close.