Sauce – Why does a white sauce (bechamel,veloute) sometimes turn grey


I usually see this happen with bechamel. Sometimes as the sauce cooks, it starts to get a faint grey tint.

I don't believe I am cooking the roux too long. I think that would tend to brown rather than turn grey in color. Am I simply cooking it too long, or could it be something else?

Best Answer

Cook ware is the number one item to look at. Aluminum pots/pans will cause a greying to your sauce if they are not clad in stainless steel. You'll get a reaction with acids and the aluminum that will cause disclouration to a light coloured sauce.

Aluminum gives great heat conduction for the dollar but is reactive. That's why you'll see so many present day aluminum pans will be aluminum cored with a steel outer to stop that reaction but give the rapid heat transfer.