Asian Cuisine – Should Tamarind Pulp Be Included in Pad Thai Sauce?


I'm making my own Pad Thai sauce and I'm not sure if I should strain out the tamarind pulp or if it can stay in the sauce. Or is there some type of prepared tamarind which dissolves into the sauce so there's nothing to strain?

Best Answer

It's essential to get all the debris(seeds, large fibrous bits, skins etc) out of the pulp. I normally add a little hot water in a bowl with the block of pulp, be careful not to add too much or it'll end up watery - better to add more as you go, wash your hands thoroughly and break the pulp up by hand. Then strain out the seeds etc and it's ready to use.

You can buy ready to use Tamarind puree in shops but it's normally not a good.

There's more info on working with Tamarind pulp in the footnotes here(as well as a good Pad Thai recipe)