Soup – Clear cauliflower and blue cheese soup – how to get it clear


I am trying to recreate a Cauliflower and Blue Cheese soup I had many years ago (at a ski resort – the private chef wouldn't tell/sell me the secret recipe).

All the recipes I have tried end up being thick cauliflower 'glue'. They're more towards a paste/sauce dish rather than liquid soup side I am trying to reproduce.

Donna Hey's's
HealthyFoodGuide, etc etc

Essentially the Cauliflower must be blended or perhaps grated because the soup is a slightly yellowish transparent colour with 1 to 2mm bits of cauliflower swimming.

I have a gut feeling the chef must have somehow used the Cauliflower in a broth method.

Basically I am asking how would you make a dish so it ends up as a nice clear watery soup dish that is cauliflowered and blue cheese flavoured not as a liquid paste?

Best Answer

I would suggest making a sort of consomme by making a broth and then passing it through a muslin or cheesecloth. Pour the majority of the liquid through then hang the solid mass over the bowl to allow the rest to drip out.

The tricky bit is the cheese. You might try adding it to the main broth, or adding it before the drip through stage to see if it flavours the liquid.