Soup – How to make dried soup mix


I do a lot of backpacking, and I usually buy freeze dried meals, like these ones.

This year I would like to make my own dried meals. I know how to dehydrate my main ingredients, but I'm not sure how to make a good soup base.

Does anyone have some tips on how to make good mix bases? Or dried meals in general?

Best Answer

A large bottle of caramelized onions and toasted garlic mix is essential in any situation.

And a bottle of powdered Parmesan, adulterated with broken blue cheese bits.

I have been thinking of the possibility of dried green peas, because adding unfrozen green peas (those I get from the frozen veg dept at the supermart) to my soup would sweeten up my soup. I would like to know if drying up the peas would be possible, and that dried green peas would not be a disaster to my broth.

I have a slow cooker. I use it to make spice mixes. I mix into the pot a combination of

  • cumin powder, various types
  • broken up anise
  • coriander seeds
  • cardamom
  • cloves
  • celery seeds
  • fanugreek seeds
  • tamarind

I don't think you should mix all of them together, but you should make different combinations of them. I put in sufficient water for each mixture and slow-cook them for a few hours. And they sit in bottles unrefrigerated on my shelf for a few months without getting spoiled.

Then, I have bottles of mint chutney to supplement my soup base above. Mint should not be cooked. Mint is topped onto your food or soup together with the parmesan/blue cheese, when it's being served. Cooking would destroy the scent and flavour of mint.

But then, this is my preference due to my upbringing.