Soup – Turning Left Over Broth From a Roast Into a Soup Or Stew


Two nights ago, I made a roast. Not wanting to waste anything I kept most of the left over beef broth (about 3-4 cups).

My current idea is to turn this beef broth into a soup or a stew. Here's what I was thinking:

  1. Skim the fat chucks off the top of the broth (left there by the roast)
  2. For a stew I would add in carrots, celery, onions, garlic, and use a potato to naturally thicken the broth as it cooks.
  3. For a soup, I would probably just add the vegetables mentioned above minus the potato and then thicken a bit with some cornstarch.

Is this the best way to go about it? Is this a good use of the left over broth?

Best Answer

The broth can be used for pretty much any soup...if the soups says to add in stock, use the broth instead.

I use broth from ham for making lentil soup, and from a roast use it in pretty much any kind of soup!

Sounds tasty :)
