Substitutions – Alternatives to Tomato Juice in Gazpacho


I'm trying to find cold alternatives to hot soup. A friend pointed me to gazpacho. I tried that, and we really liked it.

However, I will be cooking for someone who does not eat cooked tomatoes (ketchup, tomato sauce, and tomato juice), and the recipe I have for the gazpacho is based on tomato juice.

What can I use as a replacement for the tomato juice? I was thinking carrot juice maybe mixed with some lemon juice or vinegar (for the acidity that tomato juice has), but wanted a more "professional" opinion before doing so.

What can I use to replace the tomato juice in gazpacho?

Best Answer

To replace the tomato juice your primary concerns will be the flavor component the tomato adds, as well as the textural element. Any numbers of vegetables, steamed then pureed will give you the texture; I would recommend cauliflower for creamy, butternut squash for smooth, or carrot for spicy dishes. In terms of subbing out tomato in gazpacho and trying to retain its character this is not quite possible as it is central to the dish. However going with beet would give you an intense soup, a cold potato cream would also work well, as would any other vegetable; however they would not really yield gazpacho