Spice – How to best cook potatoes to be used in a curry


My favorite restaurants always manage to impart the flavors of the various spices used to the potatoes, rather than only having the potato's own flavor. However, when cooking curries on my own, I find that my potatoes retain their natural taste, and the spices do not override the natural flavor. Are there methods that can be used to make sure that the flavor is imparted properly throughout the whole potato?
Also, I find it very hard to get a consistent, pleasant texture; some portions of the potato are too soft, and others too hard. What is the best way to prepare the potatoes, so that they both have enough flavor, and also the right texture?

Best Answer

You don't need to precook the potatoes just put them in and let them cook through (30-40 mins high heat). The real trick I've found is then letting the curry cool completely and leave in the fridge overnight. The next day the potatoes have a lovely soft texture and have absorbed lots of curry flavour.

Other tips are make sure you don't add acidic ingredients early on (lemon, lime, yogurt ect) as this prevents the potatoes softening. Also make sure the curry has plenty of spice and salt to work with bland potatoes.