Spice – Toasting spices with and without oil


After heading to my trusty Indian market yesterday I was speaking with the owner about how awful fenugreek seeds are uncooked. He suggested (with black mustard seeds and cumin seeds) to throw them in the pan with a little bit of oil. I've read much about people extolling how good the dry heat is for the spices. Personal experience tells me that adding oil to the pan works better. Does cooking with oil change the flavor of a spice while toasting? Are there any spices that it is important to toast without oil?

Best Answer

I think it is mostly preferential as you can toast either way. Using oil can be tricky though as there is a fine line between toasting with oil and frying your spices. An article I found boasts using no oil which I like. There is also a list of spices that benefit from Spice Toasting. I do believe toasting with oil can change or influence the flavor depending on the oil used.