Split beans in a pressure cooker


I just got a Presto 6qt. Pressure Cooker. Its manual states that I shouldn't cook split peas in it; does that include split mung beans or dal, or does it refer only to "green peas?"

Best Answer

Split beans and peas are tricky to pressure cook and you should not be attempting this if you're new to pressure cooking. That's because you first need to learn how to regulate heat so that it's not too high at the beginning (which will shoot the beans through the vent, muck it up, and cause a dangerous situation) and during pressure cooking. Any over-pressure situation will be dangerous.

Learn to use your pressure cooker very well first, and then if you'd like to attempt this follow these precautions:

  • Ensure the gasket and valves of your pressure cooker are good working order.
  • NEVER fill the pressure cooker more than half-full with split peas and their cooking liquid.
  • Use at least a tablespoon of fat.
  • ALWAYS release pressure using ONLY Natural Release (do not use the valve, don’t use cold-water quick, don’t use base immersion).
  • Clean the lid and pressure valves thoroughly after pressure cooking
  • Supervise the rise to pressure closely to make sure the cooker does not go into over-pressure. Please note that since the booklet advises against it, should you pressure cooker be damaged or you be injured attempting to do this, the manufacturer is not responsible.

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