Substituting with Bacon and Bacon Fat in a Recipe


I've been thinking about throwing cooked bacon into various recipes like candy and bread. Are there any general guidelines for adjusting the recipes for handling this addition? For example, should I lessen the amount of fat or salt to adjust for the same coming from the bacon?

On the same note, what fats can I substitute bacon fat for? I know it is a liquid when heated up but solid in the fridge. Does it work in place of butter, oil, etc?

Best Answer

  • Bacon fat is a liquid and salty, adjust both in your recipes (unless you want moist or salty)
  • Baking is pickier about fat ratios (so swap other fats out), and cooking is less picky (more fat is usually just tastier)
  • Bacon fat does solidify at room temperature, but in small quantities can be used to replace any oil (I often use it to sweat onions)
  • You can use the creamier texture of bacon fat in soups and sauces for a super mouth feel