Sugar – How to substitute or make soft brown sugar


I have just moved to Germany. I haven't yet been able to find brown sugar of the type we have in Australia ie: soft, small grained, slightly sticky in that it holds its shape well when you dig a spoonful out. The only brown sugars I have seen are granular. You can also buy molasses.

Crushing the granular sugar is both labour-intensive and not that successful.

Any ideas on the ratios of different sugar products required to produce a 'soft brown sugar'?

As context, I tend to use soft brown sugars in things like fruit crumble toppings, as a base for a very dark caramel sauce, and also as a substitute for palm sugar when (as in Germany) it's difficult to get hold of. The granular sugars don't behave in quite the same way when melting/added to hot sauces.

Best Answer

Put the regular (refined white) sugar and molasses (about 2 tablespoons per cup of sugar) in a food processor and give it a spin. Use more or less molasses as needed to get the color and consistency that you want.