Sugar – Tips for making caramel with palm sugar


The other day I was making flan and decided to try palm sugar instead of white sugar to make the caramel.

Although palm sugar is better than white in a lot of ways, the melting point of the sugar seems to be a lot closer to the burning point. Needless to say, I ended up with a black pool in seconds.

Does anyone have any suggestions to help control the temperature to keep it from burning?

Best Answer

I've used this palm sugar caramel recipe before without problems. It uses about 25% honey as well as the sugar.

  • 17oz palm sugar
  • 4.25 oz Honey
  • 14 oz heavy cream

As soon as the sugars get to 320 ℉ (160 ℃), take the pan off the heat and deglaze it with the cream. If you let it sit on the heat any longer, it will burn. After adding the cream simply cook it again until it reaches 250 ℉ (122 ℃). Then, remove it from the heat, pour it into your prepared form, and let it cool to room temperature.