Sun Drying Tomatoes – Best Practices


Sorry if this seems obvious, but is there a method to making your own sun-dried tomatoes or is it really as simple as leaving them out in the sun? How long should it take to reach the proper "dryness"? Once dried what is the best way to store? Any spices that can be added to complement the flavor?

Best Answer

There are three common ways to make sundried tomatoes:

  1. Sun - This can take days. Use a cheesecloth to keep the bugs out. Weather is obviously a huge dependency here.

  2. Dehydrator - Probably the most efficient method, but not everyone has a dehydrator.

  3. Oven - Use a cookie sheet and set the oven to 140-150F. This could be tricky depending upon the oven. You might have to use the pilot light or prop the door open slightly. This should take about 8 hours.

I usually store them in light olive oil once made. I've found light oil makes a huge difference because extra virgin tends to have a much stronger flavor.