Temperature range for seasoning a carbon steel pan


I have this pan, but the seasoning that I created with flaxseed oven method is very brittle and flakes off easily into my food. I have not been using anything acidic in the pan, so I think I just need to start from scratch.

Most information on seasoning is geared towards cast iron. I want to know what temperatures can I use with the carbon steel pan without it warping. Can I strip the old seasoning with a self-cleaning cycle or is that too hot? What temperature should I use during the reseasoning?

Best Answer

For Carbon Steel seasoning I would rather use a gas burner until all of the cooking surface has changed color. Then apply a high oleic oil either pour directly or using a rag/paper towel before allowing to cool. This process could be repeated if desired.

If you need specific answers to the question you raised, it would be better directed to the vendor or manufacturer.