The correct mixing method for this kind of batter


I made a pie according to the following instructions. While it did turn out good, I'm not sure if the mixing method is sound.

It called for beating two eggs with sugar until white and fluffy. Then, I would carefuly fold in flour. After that, they wanted me to beat in liquid ingredients – milk and a bit of vegatable oil.

My question is does it make sense to incorporate more liquid ingredients after the flour is in? While folding in flour, you take extra care not to disturb the air capsules created in the first stage, why would you subject your batter to more rough handling after all that?

If changes are neede, what would be the correct procedure? What is the name for this type of batter?

Best Answer

In France, that is a classic dessert called a Gâteau Fondant Aux Poires. In American English we'd call it a Pear Cake. Who can figure out the French and their dang desserts? What I can say, is that your instructions are fairly typical. In America we would call that a cake batter and wouldn't change a thing, except maybe to make it less fussy.