The difference between wildflower honey and Acacia honey


I've read that Acacia honey is the best. How should I know which one to purchase if both are being sold at the same price?

What are the differences between raw wildflower honey (apparently sometimes called wild honey) and raw Acacia honey?

Best Answer

Different types of honey come from bees gathering nectar (and some incidental pollen) from different types of flowers. Acacia honey comes from acacia flowers, clover honey from clover. Wildflower honey comes from bees gathering from an unknown mix of flowers, when the supplier doesn't have control over or knowledge of what flowers contributed to the honey -- assume a variety of species local to wherever the honey comes from.

Truly "wild" honey comes from bees that are not kept in a hive, and is an unreliable source at best since you have to find a wild swarm; it's unusual to find that sold commercially.

Raw honey isn't heated or pasteurized.

Which one is "best" is really a matter of personal taste and preference. The different flowers result in different flavor profiles. (An amateur beekeeper friend of mine feeds his bees sugar water to help them live through the winter, and the "honey" resulting from that was extremely bland. The flowers are really key to get flavor.)

Tasting different varieties is the best way to see what you like!