The preferred method for sanitizing the kitchen


I'm aware of a number of ways for sanitizing.

  • Soap.
  • Ammoniac.
  • Bleach.
  • Sodium bicarbonate.

Which of these is the preferred method of sanitation?
Which concentrations are recommended?
How can you test whether the levels of concentration are correct?

Best Answer

Another route for day to day cleaning is vinegar. I use a spray bottle with half white vinegar and half water at night on my counter tops before bed. (Use soap after cooking or prepping.)

The vinegar does a good job cleaning bacteria, mold, and germs. Once you get accustomed to the smell of vinegar, you will realize it deodorizes after the vinegar smell goes away.

A nice touch is rubbing a lemon on the counter beforehand, but it really doesn't do much other than smell nice and break down oil.