Grilling Utensils – What is a Grilling Utensil with Two Wire Mesh Panels?


I want to buy this cooking utensil but have no idea what it is called and where i can buy one from. I think it is mainly used on barbeques. Ive tried googling and had no luck. I'll try describing it as best as i can.

It has 2 large rectangular flat metal wire mesh panels which fold onto one another like a clam when you close them. You can place meat in between the wire mesh and clasp the handles together to hold the meat firmly between the 2 meshes. You can then cook the meat over a flame and flip the utensil to cook the other side of the meat.

Best Answer

A grill basket perhaps?

I've no luck finding the term for your specific description, but that seems to be an umbrella term for utensils that basically hold something so you can more easily grill it.