Presentation – Technique for Spreading Thick Sauce with Spoon


I'm sorry my question is so vague but I'm trying to research a technique but have no idea how to describe it.

If you review the picture below, you can see the orange/yellow splodge! 🙂 I see this technique being used quite a lot but have no idea what it is called.

enter image description here

Does this have a name or technique associated with it? If not, can some one give an example of how to get this type of consistency. I want to recreate this so the meal looks flash but have no idea!

Best Answer

I've seen it referred to as a tadpole or a comet but I'm not sure if either of those names are widely used. Either way, there's an excellent video on Youtube about how to do them. You want your sauce or puree to have the consistency of mayonnaise for this particular presentation. Just use a dessert spoon to place a circular blob on the plate, clean the back of the spoon and then drag the spoon back through the puree. The video is here.